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Choice Hotel Discounts 

Save at least 15% off on hotel bookings!!!
This discount comes courtesy of the United States Billiard Association (USBA)

There are two distinct ways to make reservations at Choice properties:

Note: If you are booking online, please call the Sports Desk as well to make sure you are getting the discount because sometimes the online site does not show the discount.

1. Call the Choice Sports Desk
• Call 877.240.AWAY (2929)
• Provide the USBA Discount Code: 00223340
• Receive at least 15% off on hotel bookings

2. Log onto the Choice Sports Travel Website
• Visit www.ChoiceSportsTravel.com
• Select Hotel of your choice, choose a “Destination Type”, then enter the name of city or airport, etc, under “Destination”, then enter the “State”, and enter your check-in and check-out dates
• Under “Special Rate”, enter the Special/Corporate ID” of 00223340. This is the discount code for the USBA

Note: Reservations must be made by using the above booking process.
The discount is not available by calling the hotels directly.