TEXT ONLY 551-308-7531 / Phone 551-430-5901 help@ConsumerCreditUS.com
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Thank you for your message.

The verification company says that they are unable to find a payment from you in their system.


If you received any confirmation of payment, please send it to us:

Text: 551-308-7531 (not a phone number, only for texting)

Email: help@ConsumerCreditUS.com


Sometimes when a payment is declined, it may still appear on your statement as a “pending” charge. This usually occurs when your bank is fine with the transaction, but their bank (in this case, Paypal) declines the transaction, for whatever reason. We do not know why a transaction is declined. That is totally in the hands of Paypal, who processes all of their transactions.

If it was declined, then the pending transaction amount will be returned to your available balance and the pending charge will disappear completely from your bank statement. This can sometimes take as little as 1 business day but can be up to 3-5 business days for some banks. That all depends on your bank and to what their policy is.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is the way the banking system works, flawed as it is. 

Sincerely, William Flores, ConsumerCreditUS